Leadership Skills for Supervisors
$99.00Upon completion of the Leadership Skills for Supervisors course, you should be familiar with methods for prioritizing, planning and managing your time, you should be able to identify your primary leadership style and other styles, you should be aware of ways to meet the needs of employees through communication and coaching, and how to manage conflict. -
Basic Business Management: Boot Camp for Business Owners
$99.00This course will give you all the skills that you need as a new business owner. Youll learn how to develop your organizational chart, manage operations, speak knowledgeably about finance, hire the right people, build your brand, market your product online and offline, complete a strategic plan and a succession plan, and build your customer base. Youll also learn the basics of leadership and tips for taking your business to the next level. -
Conflict Resolution: Getting Along In The Workplace
$99.00In this course, you will learn what conflict is all about. You will also learn about different types of conflict, stages of conflict, helping others through conflict, and creating win/win solutions. As a bonus, you will also learn supporting skills, such as communication, active listening, and body language. -
Creating Successful Staff Retreats
$99.00In this course you are going to learn a comprehensive approach to crafting a successful staff retreat for your organization. You are going to look at why retreats are conducted, look at retreat undertaking categories and then advance to the development and presentation of retreat activities. Your retreat education doesnt stop there as you are also going to learn how to identify the critical elements of a staff retreat and you will learn to create a planning checklist and about the keys of running a retreat. When the retreat is over, your responsibilities arent, you need to evaluate how things went so you will learn how to create an evaluation and follow up. -
Project Management Fundamentals
$99.00In this course, you will learn what a project is and what a project manager does. You will also learn about the life cycle of a project. In particular, you will focus on the conceptual phase of project management, where you identify, prioritize, and scope a project idea. -
Developing a High Reliability Organization
$99.00You will learn what constitutes a High Reliability Organization (HRO), the principles behind high reliability and take a look at a real life disaster that could have benefitted from those principles. -
$99.00In this course, youll learn what intrapreneurship is all about. You will learn about the history and culture of intrapreneurship and assess your own intrapreneurial qualities. Youll also explore different ways that you can contribute to the intrapreneurial process. As well, youll learn how to develop, screen, sell, and implement your ideas. -
GDPR Readiness: Getting the Message Out
$99.00In this one-day course, you will learn: about internal communication methods, about privacy training, and promoting a good privacy culture,about the elements of a good customer privacy policy, how to write and design a cookie banner disclaimer for your website, and how to design a privacy-compliant web form.